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2-part Choral

2-part Choral

Choral piece for 2 parts, typically treble voices; some pieces could be mixed.

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A Mighty Fortress - St 2 (U/2 & Keyboard)
Stanza 2 adapted for unison or 2-part choir and keyboard (piano or organ).  Uses Martin Luth..
All Glory Be to God Alone - SA Hymn stanza
Hymn stanza arrangement for soprano, alto, and organ. 2 pages. Includes 1-page Choir part. ..
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! (2-part mixed choir, handbells, chimes, percussion)
An Easter round for 2-part mixed choir, handbells, handchimes, wood block, and triangle.  1 ..
Amazing Grace - Intro-Descant-Coda
For Soprano, Alto, and Organ.  3 pages. Introduction (w/ organ) Descant on vs...
Chief of Sinners - St 4 (2-part, violin, & organ)
Hymn stanza 4 simple arrangement for two-part choir, organ, and violin.  Modulates to F majo..
Christ Has Arisen, Hallelu! (U/2, SAB, or SATB & piano)
Versatile Easter anthem for either Unison, 2-part, SAB, or SATB choir and piano.  Original t..
Christmas Glory (Unison, 2 or 3-part choir and piano)
For unison, 2-part, or 3-part choir and piano.  Based on Luke 2:11 and Luke 2:14. 1 pag..
Easter Round (Choir, HB, Keyboard or other parts)
Easter round for choir, handbells, and keyboard or other combination of voices and instruments. (..
Every Time I Feel the Spirit - Refrain descant
Choir descant for last refrain of "Every Time I Feel the Spirit."  Alternate additional ..
God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader)
A special arrangement of Psalm 46 with handbells (2 or 3 octaves; 9 or 10 bells used), 2-part cho..
I Know That My Redeemer Lives - St. 5-6 (2-part choir, handbells, piano; opt. cong)
Hymn stanzas 5 and 6 for 2-part choir, piano, small group of handbells (3 octaves, 10 bells), and..
Joy to the World - introductions (HB, 2-part choir, keyboard)
Introduction for handbells, 2-part choir, and keyboard.  3 octaves, 14 bells used. (Tune: AN..
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - SA
Simple arrangement for SA and Organ. 2 pages.   Tune: ERHALT UNS, HERR  Repro..
Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart (2-part & Piano)
For 2-part Choir and Piano.  Tune:  HERZLICH LIEB.  4 pages. Also includes pap..
My Lord, What a Morning (SA and piano)
Arrangement of the African American spiritual "My Lord, What a Morning" with piano accompaniment ..