A "creative" music option not elsewhere classified, or combination of other types.
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Passion reading accented with handbell or handchime chords at key moments. 3 octaves, 10 bells us..
For handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 12 bells used), wind chimes, and optional percussion.&nbs..
Embellish the Day of Pentecost reading (Acts 2:1-21) with handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 10 ..
Handbells or handchimes embellishment for antiphonal reading of Psalm 51:1-13. 3 octaves, 1..
Organ embellishment for antiphonal reading of Psalm 51:1-13. (Originally for handbells/chim..
Arrangement involving handbells or handchimes, 2-part Choir, and Congregation. 3 octaves, 1..