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For unison choir or congregation, or combination of both (choir introduces piece, then congregation repeats).  Could also be sung by soloist/cantor.

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Arise, Shine (Unison Choir or Congregation)
For Unison choir and/or congregation.  Short Epiphany response piece based on Isaiah 60:1-3...
Baptized Into Your Name Most Holy - Stanza 4
Hymn stanza arrangement of Stanza 4 for unison or 2-part choir, piano, and optional handchimes.&n..
Be Thankful, Be Grateful (Unison choir, piano, percussion)
A simple, easy-to-learn anthem for unison choir, piano, percussion ensemble (shaker, tambourine, ..
Christ Has Redeemed Us (for unison choir, handbells, chimes, glockenspiel, percussion)
  Here's a simple way to involve children and/or adults with a variety of different inst..
Easter Alleluia (Unison Choir & Handbells/chimes)
Alleluia verse for unison choir and handbells or handchimes for Easter. 3 octaves, 11 bells used...
Easter Alleluia (Unison Choir and/or Congregation)
Alleluia verse for congregation and/or unison choir and keyboard, for Easter and the Easter seaso..
Easter Round (Choir, HB, Keyboard or other parts)
Easter round for choir, handbells, and keyboard or other combination of voices and instruments. (..
Fix Our Eyes on Jesus (Unison / Congregation)
For Unison choir and/or congregation.  Adapted from Hebrews 12:2, Psalm 51:1, 10, and John 3..
God's Grace - Unison Choir &/or Congregation
For Unison Choir and/or Congregation and keyboard. 2 pages. Files come in a zipped file that ..
Holy God, We Praise Your [Thy] Name - Descant
Descant for voices or C instrument. Stanzas 2 & 5. (also includes alt text for "Holy God, We ..
Holy Spirit, Poured on Us - (U/Congreg. & Piano)
For unison choir or congregation and piano. For the Day of Pentecost. Includes: Piano..
Jesus Christ is Risen Today - St. 3 (Choir, HB, piano)
Arrangement of "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" hymn stanza 3 for unison choir, piano, and optional ..
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast - Descant (LSB)
Stanza 3 descant for high voice, choir, or C instrument.  Fits LSB (Lutheran Service Book) s..
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast - Descant (LW or LBW)
Stanza 3 descant for high voice, choir, or C instrument.  Fits both LW and LBW settings (Lut..
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Descant
Simple descant for voice or unison choir and not too high for stanza 4 or 5 (depending on version..