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Come, Holy Ghost / Creator Spirit - HB anthem

Come, Holy Ghost / Creator Spirit - HB anthem
Product Code: HBANPE001
Availability: Download
Price: $5.00
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Handbells or handchimes Pentecost anthem for 3 octaves, 13 bells used. Tune:  KOMM, GOTT SCHOPFER. 

Tune used for several hymns including "Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire" and "Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid."

Three versions included:

  • 1 page consolidated
  • 2 pages with larger print
  • 2 pages without repeat signs

Reproducible.  Price includes the right to make unlimited copies.

Handbells/Handchimes 3 octaves, 13 bells used.
Anthem Anthem, 1 page. Tune: Komm, Gott Schopfer.
Pentecost Pentecost.

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