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For handbells or handchimes.  Most pieces are for smaller groups ranging from 8-14 bells used.

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A Mighty Fortress (Isorhythmic) - HB chord descant
Handbells chord descant for "A Mighty Fortress" by Martin Luther (isorhythmic version).   ..
A Mighty Fortress (Rhythmic) - Handbells descant
Handbell descant for small ensemble; 2 octaves, 10 bells used.  Files included: Hand..
A Mighty Fortress - Hymn Intro for Keyboard and Handbells
Short hymn introduction for keyboard (piano or organ) and small handbell ensemble.  (2 octav..
All Glory, Laud, and Honor - Intro & Coda (HB, Piano)
Hymn Introduction and Coda (for after singing the hymn) for handbells and piano, for Palm Sunday...
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! (2-part mixed choir, handbells, chimes, percussion)
An Easter round for 2-part mixed choir, handbells, handchimes, wood block, and triangle.  1 ..
Baptism of Our Lord - Gospel Reading w/ handbells & rain sticks
Baptism of Our Lord Gospel reading (Matthew 3:13-17) embellished with handbells or handchimes and..
Beach Spring tune (HB, 2 octaves 10 bells used)
Short anthem for handbells or handchimes on the hymn tune "BEACH SPRING" (used for "Praise the On..
Bring a Song, Good Christians, Rejoice (Handbells, 3 octaves)
For handbells or handchimes, 3 octaves, 13 or 14 bells used. (B4 is optional)  Two files inc..
Bunessan (Tune) - HB descant (3 oct)
Handbells or handchimes descant for the tune Bunessan, the tune used for "Praise and Thanksgiving..
Call To Worship (HB, opt rain stick, opt percussion)
A "Call to Worship" for handbells or handchimes, optional rain stick, and optional percussion.&nb..
Christ Has Redeemed Us (for unison choir, handbells, chimes, glockenspiel, percussion)
  Here's a simple way to involve children and/or adults with a variety of different inst..
Christ the Lord is Risen Today - intro for Handbells (3 oct)
Peal for handbells as introduction to the hymn. 3 octaves, 13 or less bells used. (Some bell..
Christmas Bells: Welcome to the Lord! (HB - 2 octaves)
Simplified handbells or handchimes arrangement of the Ukrainian Bell Carol.  2 octaves, 11 b..
Come, Holy Ghost / Creator Spirit - HB anthem
Handbells or handchimes Pentecost anthem for 3 octaves, 13 bells used. Tune:  KOMM, GOTT SCH..
Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain - HB descant
Handbells descant for stanzas 3 and 5 (3 octaves, 10 bells used). Second page is alternate stanza..