Stanza 2 for unison or 2-part choir, handbells (2 octaves, 9 bells used), and keyboard (piano or ..
An Easter round for 2-part mixed choir, handbells, handchimes, wood block, and triangle. 1 ..
Hymn stanza arrangement of Stanza 4 for unison or 2-part choir, piano, and optional handchimes.&n..
Here's a simple way to involve children and/or adults with a variety of different inst..
Extended coda for 2-part treble choir and 4 handbells or handchimes (3 octaves). 1 page.
Alleluia verse for unison choir and handbells or handchimes for Easter. 3 octaves, 11 bells used...
Easter round for choir, handbells, and keyboard or other combination of voices and instruments. (..
Hymn stanza #5 (last stanza) for U/2-part choir, piano, and handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 7..
A special arrangement of Psalm 46 with handbells (2 or 3 octaves; 9 or 10 bells used), 2-part cho..
For Unison Choir and Handbells or Handchimes. 3 octaves, 10 bells used. 2 verses. 1 page.&n..
Hymn stanzas 5 and 6 for 2-part choir, piano, small group of handbells (3 octaves, 10 bells), and..
Arrangement of "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" hymn stanza 3 for unison choir, piano, and optional ..
Introduction for handbells, 2-part choir, and keyboard. 3 octaves, 14 bells used. (Tune: AN..
Handbells/chimes accompaniment for one hymn stanza (LE P'ING - the Chinese tune used for hymn "Gr..
Descant for 6 handbells (2 octaves) and/or choir. Handbells and simple choir descant can be..