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Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment

Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment
Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment
Product Code: HBCRMF001
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Price: $2.50
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Passion reading accented with handbell or handchime chords at key moments. 3 octaves, 10 bells used. Particularly this is from Part 6 of the Tenebrae Sequence --Jesus is nailed to the cross -- Drawn from the 4 Gospels. For Good Friday or Passion of Our Lord Sunday.  Note: Some work is required to insert desired Bible version text into the given file.

Zip file includes:

  • Passion (Part 6) Bible references (.doc)
  • Example of King James Version with handbell chords (.doc)
  • Handbell part condensed to 2 pages (PDF)
  • Handbell part in .doc file if want to edit this file (.doc)
  • Instructions (.doc)

Permission is also granted to use the handbell chords for a different Passion reading, such as the specified lectionary reading.  Instructions explain to keep in mind certain qualities of the chord such as dissonance to represent mocking and the diminishing chords to represent Jesus' life extinguishing.

If you have any questions or need a different file format, please email or use Contact form.

Reproducible.  Price includes the right for original purchaser to make unlimited copies.

Handbells/Handchimes 3 octaves, 10 bells used. Also need a reader.
Creative Reading with handbells/chimes embellishment. Chords accent key moments in the reading.
Lent Lent
Minor Festivals Good Friday or Passion of Our Lord Sunday.