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Crown Him With Many Crowns - HB descant

Crown Him With Many Crowns - HB descant
Product Code: HBDEGE001
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Price: $3.50
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Chordal handbells descant, 3 octaves, 15 bells used. TUNE:  DIADEMATA. 1 page.

Could also use 10 bells, omitting D5-G#5.

(Use hymnal for accompaniment. Fits LW and LSB.)

Reproducible.  Price includes the right for original purchaser to make unlimited copies for his/her own parish use.

Handbells/Handchimes 3 octaves, 15 (or 10) bells used.
Descant Chordal descant with coda. 1 page.
Easter Eastertide.
General General.