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I Am Jesus' Little Lamb - HB descant (1 oct)

I Am Jesus' Little Lamb - HB descant (1 oct)
Product Code: HBDEGE004
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Price: $3.00
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Simple handbells or handchimes chordal descant, 1 octave, 9 bells used. (or 2 octaves).  Can work with diatonic 8-note handbell set by KidsPlay if omit the F#, or the chromatic set.  Tune: WEIL ICH JESU SCHAFLEIN BIN.  1 page.

(Fits both LW and LSB; LSB notation is double time, but easily adaptable to this notation)

Reproducible.  Price includes the right to make unlimited copies.

Handbells/Handchimes 1 or 2 octaves, also could fit 8-note handbell set (C to C).
Descant Chordal descant, 1 page.
Easter Eastertide, Easter 4.
Minor Festivals Good Shepherd Sunday.
General Shepherd, Children's music.