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God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader)

God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader)
God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader) God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader) God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader)
Product Code: HCCRRE001
Availability: Download
Price: $5.95
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A special arrangement of Psalm 46 with handbells (2 or 3 octaves; 9 or 10 bells used), 2-part choir, and a reader. Includes:

  • Score (4 pages)
  • Handbells with reader part (3 pages)

Also designed so the same people could sing and ring (with minimal simultaneous singing and ringing).

Ideal for Reformation.

Multiple tunes used:  EIN FESTE BURG - A Mighty Fortress (Martin Luther), ST. ANNE - Our God, Our Help in Ages Past (William Croft), AURELIA - The Church's One Foundation (Samuel S. Wesley), ERHALT UNS HERR - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast (J. Klug),  ES IST DAS HEIL - Salvation Unto Us Has Come (Etlich Cristlich lider, Wittenberg), ALL EHR UND LOB - All Glory Be to God Alone (Kirchengesangbuch, Strassburg).

(Audio sample is from the last part of the piece, using handchimes in lieu of handbells.)

Reproducible.  Price includes the right for original purchaser to make unlimited copies for his/her own parish use.

Handbells & Choral Handbells (2 or 3 octaves; 9 or 10 bells used) and two-part choir.
Anthem Anthem or in place of Psalm.
Creative Creative use with a Reader.
Reformation Reformation. Multiple tunes used.
General General. God Is Our Refuge and Strength. Psalm 46.