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Come, You Thankful, People (HB intro)

Come, You Thankful, People (HB intro)
Product Code: HBCRMF003
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Price: $2.50
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Hymn introduction for handbells.  3 octaves, 12 bells used. Tune:  ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR.  1 page.

Option:  Use this piece to introduce the hymn, then also have handbells play descant on stanza 4.  (Some players can keep same bells; others can switch to other bells during singing of other stanzas.)

For Thanksgiving, or other general use. Also for Epiphany as "Songs of Thankfulness and Praise" intro.


Reproducible.  Price includes the right for original purchaser to make unlimited copies for his/her own use.

Handbells/Handchimes 3 octaves, 12 bells used.
Creative Hymn introduction. 1 page.
Epiphany Epiphany - Also can use for "Songs of Thankfulness and Praise" intro.
Minor Festivals Thanksgiving, general use.