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Pentecost Reading with Handbells or chimes embellishment

Pentecost Reading with Handbells or chimes embellishment
Pentecost Reading with Handbells or chimes embellishment Pentecost Reading with Handbells or chimes embellishment Pentecost Reading with Handbells or chimes embellishment
Product Code: HBCRPE001
Availability: Download
Price: $3.00
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Embellish the Day of Pentecost reading (Acts 2:1-21) with handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 10 bells used).  Wind chimes can also be used after verse 2 for the "rushing wind."  Text is King James Version.  Permission is granted to amend text and format, as well as adding any other instruments desired.  For instance, rain sticks could be added along with the wind chimes; multiple wooden sticks could be used after verse 3 (tongues of fire).

Two files included, pdf and a doc format that can be altered if desired.  4 pages each.  Please contact Download Church Music should you require a different file format.

Reproducible.  Price includes the right for original purchaser to make unlimited copies for his/her own parish use.

Handbells/Handchimes Handbells or handchimes, 3 octaves, 10 bells used.
Handbells & Choral Handbells or chimes with spoken voices.
Creative Reading with embellishment.
Pentecost For Day of Pentecost.