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WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves)

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves)
WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves) WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves) WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves) WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Handbells, 4 octaves)
Product Code: HBANGE004
Availability: Download
Price: $7.50
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Arrangement on the hymn tune WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET by Philipp Nicolai, for 4 octave handbells, 36 bells used.  5 pages.

Multiple uses as tune is used for the hymns "Alleluia! Let Praises Ring," "He is Arisen! Glorious Word," " O Holy Spirit, Enter In," "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright," "Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn."

Reproducible. Permission granted to original purchaser of downloaded file to reproduce pages for his/her own parish use.

Handbells/Handchimes 4 octave handbells.
Anthem Handbells anthem.
Christmas Christmas as "Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn"
Epiphany Epiphany as "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright"
Easter Easter as "He is Arisen! Glorious Word"
Pentecost Pentecost or Beginning of Service as "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"
General General Praise and other festival use. General praise as "Alleluia! Let Praises Ring"