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Download Church Music

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Products meeting the search criteria

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Psalm 51 - HB embellishment
Handbells or handchimes embellishment for antiphonal reading of Psalm 51:1-13.  3 octaves, 1..
Pentecost Peal (HB, Wind Chimes, opt Perc)
For handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 12 bells used), wind chimes, and optional percussion.&nbs..
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - HB Descant
Simple chordal descant for handbells; 3 octaves.  Two versions included - 1 fits LW and LBW ..
Eternal Father, Strong to Save - HB Descant
Melodic chordal descant for handbells, 2 octaves, 15 bells used (could also be done with 12 bells..
Jesus Has Come - Handbells descant; opt Intro
Descant for handbells, with optional intro before stanza 1.  3 octaves, 12 bells used. [..
All Glory, Laud, and Honor - Intro & Coda (HB, Piano)
Hymn Introduction and Coda (for after singing the hymn) for handbells and piano, for Palm Sunday...
Come, You Thankful, People (HB intro)
Hymn introduction for handbells.  3 octaves, 12 bells used. Tune:  ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSO..
Gloria, Alleluia! - A Christmas Echo Medley (HB or Chimes, 2 oct)
"A Christmas Echo Medley" anthem for handbells or handchimes. Ideal for small ensemble.  2 o..
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Handbells; - 2 oct)
Anthem for handbells or handchimes.  Ideal for small ensemble. 2 octaves, 12 bells used. ..
Christ the Lord is Risen Today - intro for Handbells (3 oct)
Peal for handbells as introduction to the hymn. 3 octaves, 13 or less bells used. (Some bell..