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Products meeting the search criteria

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Easter Alleluia (Unison Choir & Handbells/chimes)
Alleluia verse for unison choir and handbells or handchimes for Easter. 3 octaves, 11 bells used...
Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain - HB descant
Handbells descant for stanzas 3 and 5 (3 octaves, 10 bells used). Second page is alternate stanza..
Tempus Adest Floridum (Gentle Mary...Tune) (HB - 3 oct)
Anthem for handbells or handchimes. Tune for "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child" and "Good King Wencesla..
Passion Reading with Handbells embellishment
Passion reading accented with handbell or handchime chords at key moments. 3 octaves, 10 bells us..
God Is Our Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 (Handbells, 2-part Choir, Reader)
A special arrangement of Psalm 46 with handbells (2 or 3 octaves; 9 or 10 bells used), 2-part cho..
A Mighty Fortress (Isorhythmic) - HB chord descant
Handbells chord descant for "A Mighty Fortress" by Martin Luther (isorhythmic version).   ..
Crown Him With Many Crowns - HB descant
Chordal handbells descant, 3 octaves, 15 bells used. TUNE:  DIADEMATA. 1 page. Could als..
The King Shall Come (HB intro - 2 or 3 octaves)
Hymn introduction for handbells or handchimes (2 or 3 octaves, 9 or 10 bells used).  1 page...
Bring a Song, Good Christians, Rejoice (Handbells, 3 octaves)
For handbells or handchimes, 3 octaves, 13 or 14 bells used. (B4 is optional)  Two files inc..
The Lord's My Shepherd (HB-3 oct or 2 instr descant)
Simple descant for handbells or handchimes, 3 octaves, 9 bells used; or 2 C instruments. TUNE: BE..
From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee - St 5 (U/2-part choir, piano, HB)
Hymn stanza #5 (last stanza) for U/2-part choir, piano, and handbells or handchimes (3 octaves, 7..
Bunessan (Tune) - HB descant (3 oct)
Handbells or handchimes descant for the tune Bunessan, the tune used for "Praise and Thanksgiving..
Come, Holy Ghost / Creator Spirit - HB anthem
Handbells or handchimes Pentecost anthem for 3 octaves, 13 bells used. Tune:  KOMM, GOTT SCH..
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - St 3 (Unison Choir and 4 bells)
Simple stanza 3 for Unison choir and 4 handbells or handchimes (3 octaves). Ideal for Good Friday..
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus - Coda (2-part choir, HB)
Extended coda for 2-part treble choir and 4 handbells or handchimes (3 octaves). 1 page. Tune..